Carlos Martinez by Franco Tettamanti

Carlos Martinez

* 1967, Swiss, Architect

If you have ever been to the ‘Bleichi’ district in St. Gallen in Switzerland, you most certainly have engaged with Carlos’ work - the open-air city lounge that he designed with multimedia artist Pipilotti Rist. The great Red Square is furnished with sofas, chairs, tables, couches and a Porsche, which are all covered in a bright red carpet of plastic granulate. It’s a big surreal playground in the middle of a business district and seems a perfect metaphor for his handwritten answer on creativity. On the photograph with his hands, you see a model of something he just built for every kid’s favourite place, the Children’s Zoo of Circus Knie.

Carlos Martinez was born in Widnau in 1967. After his apprenticeship as a structural draftsman, he studied architecture in St. Gallen from 1988 to 1992. He works and lives with his family in Berneck.

Carlos Martinez by Franco Tettamanti
Carlos Martinez by Franco Tettamanti
Carlos Martinez by Franco Tettamanti
Carlos Martinez by Franco Tettamanti
Carlos Martinez by Franco Tettamanti
Carlos Martinez by Franco Tettamanti
Carlos Martinez by Franco Tettamanti


Vertieft in sein Spiel lernt ein Kind die Zusammenhänge der Welt kennen. Dabei schöpft es aus einer tiefen, verwurzelten Neugier für das Unbekannte. Dieser Antrieb ist das Elixier meiner Gestaltungskraft als Mensch.