Yves Peclard by Franco Tettamanti

Yves Péclard

* 26 Aug 1967, Swiss, Jewellery designer

For Yves Péclard, jewellery is not a luxury. Rather, it is a companion for life and a way to tell a story and capture emotions. And because no two lives are the same, he specializes in creating one-of-a-kind pieces.

The Péclard family has been making original pieces of jewellery in Zurich's old town for 90 years. Unique pieces with a high standard of craftsmanship and artistry. Yves Péclard is the third generation to run the jewellery business. It was previously in the hands of his father Philippe (* 1939), who in turn took it over from his father Fritz (1908 - 1977) - all of them excellent goldsmiths. And even before that, there was Augustin Péclard (1870 - 1957), who specialized in silverware and the jewellery trade throughout Europe and Egypt.

Do you have siblings? I have two sisters, one of whom passed away a long time ago. And we grew up with a cousin who was like a brother to us. What did your father do? He is a goldsmith and learned the art of craftsmanship in Schwäbisch Gmünd, just as his father had done. What was your education? I did an apprenticeship as a goldsmith in the family business. After graduation, I went travelling for a year and became a husband and father of two girls at an early age. Before joining the family business in 2004, I ran an independent atelier for more than ten years. What makes you so successful? I don’t feel successful. I am happy with my surroundings, with my environment. I am happy with my life and my family. I don’t like labels such as “You are the best”. I don’t like competition and I don’t live on praise. I just do my stuff and I am very picky. I don’t think that I am the greatest designer, but sometimes I do great work. Are you a patriarch? No. I grew up in a very anti-authoritarian way and had to make my own decisions at the age of 12. I am not a control freak, but I have my ways of letting people know what I like without telling them what to do. What is one thing you will never do again? I don't go to bullfights and football matches any more. And I don't fly to America just for a week anymore. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I am an introvert. And quite perceptive as well. What motivates you? Curiosity is what makes my creativity.

Yves Peclard by Franco Tettamanti
Yves Peclard by Franco Tettamanti
Yves Peclard by Franco Tettamanti
Yves Peclard by Franco Tettamanti

